Breakfast meeting: What does decommissioning mean for our region?
Theme: What does decommissioning mean for our region?
- Magnar Kristiansen from Leif Grimsrud AS
- Martin Andreasson from Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning (NND)
- Åsmund Bråtekas from Halden municipality
- Stian Melhus from the DECOM cluster
Where: Leif Grimsrud AS, Svinesundveien 334, 1788 Halden.
When: December 19, 08:30 - 10:00 a.m.
Catering: Breakfast, coffee, tea, gingerbread and simple Christmas cookies
Who: Open to all
We invite you to an informal and informative pre-Christmas breakfast where key players in the DECOM cluster will talk about the potential for businesses, municipalities and public agencies when it comes to decommissioning.
Decommissioning is about planning for all phases from establishment to destruction and clean-up as well as reuse of materials, safe handling of hazardous waste and restoration of the site - in the most profitable way possible.
NND will carry out one of the country's largest sustainability projects by decommissioning Norway's historic nuclear research facilities in Halden and Kjeller in a safe and secure manner. The agency will also find solutions for handling the waste, which includes high-level spent reactor fuel.
Halden municipality has been the host municipality for the Institute for Energy Technology's nuclear reactor since the 1950s and is a key partner with NND and the DECOM cluster.
Construction company Leif Grimsrud AS is a member of the DECOM cluster and is very committed to finding out how decommissioning can contribute to increased growth for the company.
Decommissioning offers great, but as yet partly undefined, opportunities for value creation on a smaller and larger scale. Our speakers at the breakfast meeting will talk about what potential they see, what needs they have, and what kind of growth they envision when decommissioning really gets going.
- December 19, 2023
- 08:30 - 10:00
- Leif Grimsrud AS, Svinesundveien 334, 1788 Halden