20 June 2024
The trip to Oskarshamn was a great experience where Uniper and OKG welcomed us with open arms. They openly shared both the joys and challenges of decommissioning their reactors, and we got a practical demonstration of how the reactors are dismantled. Even more exciting was seeing how local entrepreneurs have become involved, and how [...]
June 12, 2024
Skolt Miljøpark AS, part of the Skolt Holding Group, and SafeClean AS are members of the DECOM cluster and two players with expertise in receiving and recycling uncontaminated mass (Skolt) and circular cleaning solutions and handling of hazardous substances (SafeClean). Decommissioning is about planning for all phases from establishment to destruction and cleanup as well as [...]
June 6, 2024
Norsk Kjernekraft AS aims to build, own and operate nuclear power plants in Norway. Before they can apply for a license, they must put in place decommissioning plans and waste programs that show they know how to handle decommissioning and waste from the power plants. Through the DECOM cluster, they have the opportunity to influence the level of expertise of Norwegian suppliers [...]
June 6, 2024
The cooperation between Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning (NND) and the Cluster for Decommissioning and Reuse is close and good, and there is much for other cluster members to gain knowledge and experience from the decommissioning work that NND is doing and will continue to do for many decades to come.
July 3, 2023
The cooperation between Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning (NND) and the Cluster for Decommissioning and Reuse is close and good, and there is much for other cluster members to gain knowledge and experience from the decommissioning work that NND is doing and will continue to do for many decades to come.
May 12, 2023
Eli Haugerud from Smart Innovation Norway will lead the work to establish a new meeting place across the country's many clusters.
March 22, 2023
Kompetansemegler is a free tool for developing the business community in Viken through research-related projects. For several years, Smart Innovation Norway has represented one of seven brokers in Viken county. Hermund Arntzen Dale has recently taken on the role and is already well underway with both outreach activities and guidance of companies.
February 10, 2023
The current close ties between the UK and Norway in many areas provide a basis for further cooperation, and Smart Innovation Norway's networks and areas of expertise are both interesting and relevant. This was the conclusion of the UK Trade Commissioner, Chris Barton, after visiting Smart Innovation Norway at Remmen. He was in Norway to get to know and learn from companies, [...].
January 24, 2023
- An incredibly educational day that has given me an exciting and inspiring insight into the activities at Smart Innovation Norway and the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)! This is how Mari Sundli Tveit, Director of the Research Council of Norway, summarized her visit to Halden at the end of January. Through presentations of the two research institutions, Sundli Tveit and Acting Area Director Research System [...].
January 24, 2023
Brita Staal and Manuela Freté triple the national and international experience and expertise in sustainability work when they become colleagues with Mikael af Ekenstam in Nordland - "With Manuela and Brita on board, we have a dream team up here. I am incredibly pleased to have them on the team, says Senior Advisor at Smart Innovation [...]
January 12, 2023
When the National Export Council asked for input to identify possible strategic focus areas, it was natural for the DECOM cluster to get involved and present the capacity, knowledge and potential our cluster partners represent. In the Hurdal platform from 2021, the government has stated that they will increase Norwegian exports other than oil and gas by 50 percent by 2030. To [...]
December 15, 2022
Whole Norway Exports is the government's export reform where the authorities, the business community and the policy instruments will join forces to make aggressive advances abroad. The government's goal is to increase mainland exports by 50%. Published on December 15, 2022 The Institute for Energy Technology, Smart Innovation Norway and Halden Municipality submitted their input to the National Export Council on December 1, 2022 to become a [...].